  Bifacial Embroideries
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  Flowers and Plants
  Flowers and Birds
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      Site :Flowers and Plants   2009/10/25 / Hits:10691  
Character Xi designed with Peonies 40x70cm
Character Shou designed with Peonies 40x70cm
The Lotus in the Wind 100x100cm
Yulan Greeting Spring 100x100cm
Yulan 60x60cm
Peony at night 40x60cm
Late Winter 40x80cm
The Water Lily 60x60cm
The Phalaenopsis 50x50cm
Double Lotuses 100x100cm
Chinese Rose The Grape 60x60cm
In Full Blossom 75x90cm
The Black Lotus 100x200cm
The Lotus 35x50cm
The Orchid 30x50cm
The Water Lily 60x60cm
The Water Lily 60x60cm
The Lotus70x40cm
Pride and Honor 40x60cm
The Lotus in the Wind 100x100cm
The Lilac 50x60cm
Spring Blossoms 50x70cm
The Spring Field 12x60cm
The Green Lotus 40x40cm
Hundreds of Butterflies 60x90cm
Design by Copyright © 2009-2024 Lu Fuying Embroidery Art Gallery, All Rights Reserved.